© photobiz

The Experience

My art tends to be fun, casual and uncluttered. Each 75-90 minute session occurs on-location, either at your home or at a venue of your choice. I believe that each session can produce joy-filled images that my clients will treasure. My goal is to connect with my subjects in such a way that I may document twinkling eyes, heart-warming laughs, and tender moments that occur in each of our lives.

My approach to photographing children is to talk and play with them for a bit before we start shooting; I may even get them to run a race or skip with me before we begin. When they know that my primary interest is in them (and not in getting the Elusive Perfect Shot), they relax and lose interest in the camera ~ and then their truest expressions come through. My preference is to spend more time knowing your child or children than posing them or asking them to smile and say “cheese.” (Besides, have you ever noticed that saying “cheese” often produces “cheesy” photos? I have always doubted that is coincidence!)

© photobiz